“Your word is a lamp to my feet, a light to my path.”
Our youth program at St. Laurence is one of the key pieces of our ministry together. Through teaching, service, and intentional time together, we hope to provide a solid foundation for our young people as they begin to understand life and spirituality.
Middle School Youth Group
The Middle School Youth Group are a busy and fun bunch and they can’t wait to see each other each week. They meet every Wednesday during the school year for dinner and their Youth Group time. This year they are learning about the Book of Acts, mirroring what the adults are learning in the Wednesday Night Bible Study.
Service to others is a big part of their activities. They put together blessing bags for the homeless, serve lunch on Good Friday at Union Gospel Mission and help with the younger kids at various activities.
This past summer, they went on their Mission Trip to Community First Village in Austin where they helped with a variety of on-site service projects and fed the homeless on the streets of Austin through Mobile Loaves and Fishes.
St. Laurence Church sponsors Troop 168, an active, outdoor, boy-led troop. Their focus is on fun and adventure with every activity while incorporating teamwork and community service. For boys age 11 or 5th-12th grades. They meet every Sunday from 3:30-5:00pm and have campouts once a month.