"Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain.”

—Psalm 127:1

January 20, 2025

Construction begins for our expansion project, to build a new Parish Hall and renovate the existing Parish Hall.

Spaces are being created where we can all gather, where we can serve, teach, our youth can grow and where the mission of the Church can flourish. God has brought us tremendous growth and through Him, this expansion is possible.

“Built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone, in whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord. In him you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit.” —Ephesians 2:20-22

Week 9 Update

March 23, 2025

  • We are still waiting for permits. Once we get them, we will proceed with installation of the utilities and preparation for drilling the piers and pouring the pad.

  • The city did issue new tree protection requirements. As a result of the bridges and back lot additions to our project, they require us to have more tree protection in those places. They also added tree bark protection in some areas and restrictive access signage, all of which has been completed. 

  • While you may not see any actual construction work happening at the moment, please be assured that other, behind-the-scenes work is continuing, such as structural steel detail design and light fixture final selections.

Week 8 Update

March 16, 2025

  • We are still waiting on the City of Southlake to give us approval to advance to the next stage. Even though all required solutions to their comments have been addressed, they have not yet issued the necessary permits. Fortunately we are slightly ahead of schedule so there has not been much impact yet. However, we are doing everything possible to work with the city so we can get this resolved as quickly as possible. 

  • Once we do get the permits, we will proceed with installation of the utilities and preparation for drilling the piers and pouring the pad.

Week 7 Update

March 9, 2025

  • The grading for both the new Parish Hall and west side of the bridge is now complete. We are currently waiting on the city to give us approval to advance to the next stage which is installation of utilities and preparation for drilling the piers and pouring the pad.

  • Behind the scenes, we are continuing to define and order components like structural steel, rebar and other elements of the building so that they will be here when we are ready for them. 

  • Have you checked out the Observation Deck? It’s right outside the north doors of the current Parish Hall. The blue covering on the fence has been removed, so now you have an expansive view of the whole construction site. It’s a great spot to see it all.

Week 6 Update

March 2, 2025

  • The dirt work was completed this week, with the grade level of what will be the north parking lot now up to the right level to meet the new Parish Hall.

  • We have an Observation Deck! So many of you have wanted to be able to watch the progress so we have now made that possible. The blue covering on the fence outside the north doors of the existing Parish Hall has been removed, giving you an expansive view of the whole construction site. The only access to the Observation Deck is from inside the existing Parish Hall. Enjoy! 

  • Over the next few weeks, the preparation for drilling the piers and pouring the pad will begin.

Week 5 Update

Feb. 23, 2025

  • Based on the schedule from the contractor, the staff has put together a plan for where each of our ministries can meet and events can happen when the existing Parish Hall is shut down for renovation (April 28 - Nov. 8). Ministry leaders are being contacted so they can plan and make decisions about what is right for their group. 

  • Because of the earlier rain and the cold, the additional dirt that we needed was too wet to be transported until Thursday. Truckloads of dirt then began arriving. This additional dirt is to raise the grade on the north side of the new Parish Hall slab, where the new parking lot will go. Clearing and grading for the vehicle bridge also continued.

Expansion Update Meeting

Feb. 16, 2025

Watch the recording of the Update meeting

At the All-Parish Expansion Update Meeting the construction schedule was presented to the Parish, with the following key dates:

  • Overall Project Completion - Jan. 26, 2026 with a move in date in early February after equipment and furnishings are brought in

  • Existing Parish Hall Shut Down - April 28 - Nov. 3, 2025. This is for the renovation of that building. Plans are being made so all ministries can continue during the shut down, but in alternate locations.

Week 4 Update

Feb. 16, 2025

  • Based on the schedule from the contractor, the staff has put together a plan for where each of our ministries can meet and events can happen when the existing Parish Hall is shut down for renovation. Ministry leaders are being contacted so they can plan and make decisions about what is right for their group. 

  • Despite weather delays, progress was made on the north end of the site. More dirt has been brought in, and clearing and grading has begun where the vehicle bridge will go. 

Week 3 Update

Feb. 9, 2025

  • Our contractor, RJM, has now provided us with a detailed schedule for the entire construction project. This gives us the information we need to make plans for the continuation of our various ministries and events, especially during the shut down of the existing Parish Hall. 

  • The large tree in front of the existing Parish Hall was trimmed this week to prepare for the construction of the atrium walkthrough that will be added to that building. Throughout the construction process, a great deal of attention is being given to this tree to make sure it is protected and can thrive again once the construction is completed. 

  • Preparation for the foundation has continued this week. The footprint was dug out last week and now all the layers of soil have been added back in. For each layer, water is applied to compact it and then testing is performed to ensure soil stabilization before the next layer was added. Next week, the foundation crew will start drilling and pouring the piers that go down below the foundation to support the weight of the new building. 

Week 2 Update

Feb. 2, 2025

  • Our contractor, RJM, is working on a schedule for the entire construction project, which will be presented to the Parish at an All Parish Meeting on Feb. 16.

  • Preparation for the foundation has taken place this past week and will continue next week. The footprint for the foundation has been dug out and then soil is being added back in layers. Water is applied to compact each layer and then testing is performed to ensure soil stabilization before the next layer is added.

Week 1 Update

Jan. 26, 2025

  • So much has been done already! The ground is cleared, the cement in the parking lot has been dug up, the playground has been cleared and the fill dirt is here. The trash dumpsters have been relocated to the front of the parking lot.

  • The parking lot on the north of the Parish Hall is now closed because it’s not there any more! This means there is no parking over there any longer and the doors into the Parish Hall from that side are now blocked. The doors on the Kimball Ave side and Church side are available. Plenty of parking is available in the back parking lot behind the office.

Construction Begins

Jan. 20, 2025