Family Mission Trip
to Mar 22

Family Mission Trip

Our Family Mission Trip is headed to Austin during Spring Break to help our ministry partner, Community First Village. This year’s trip will be March 20-22 and is for single adults, couples and families with elementary age kids and older.

Interested in going? Let us know here.

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First Holy Communion Class

First Holy Communion Class

First Holy Communion Classes for children 5 years old or older begin March 23 and continue on March 30 and April 6. These classes will prepare the children for their First Communion on Easter Sunday, April 20. 9:50-10:30am in the Children’s Chapel room (last classroom on the right in the Parish Hall). 

Sign up here

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St. Laurence Chorale Presents Duruflé’s Requiem

St. Laurence Chorale Presents Duruflé’s Requiem

You’re invited this Lent to a special sacred music concert by our now almost-famous St. Laurence Chorale, performing Maurice Duruflé's Requiem. This music for the dead is traditionally performed during Lent in preparation for Good Friday and the crucifixion of Jesus. This is one of the most popular and intense settings of these sacred texts that is sure to give you chills. Join us for a truly wonderful experience on Sun, March 23 at 5:00pm in the Church, followed by a Wine and Cheese Reception in the Parish Hall. 

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Ministry Leader Meeting

Ministry Leader Meeting

All those who are in charge of a St. Laurence ministry are asked to attend a Ministry Leader Meeting next Sun, March 23 at 6:15pm. We’ll talk about the shut down of the current Parish Hall on April 28 and the relocation of meeting spaces for the 6 months of the renovation. We want everyone to have all the information possible and to have the opportunity to ask questions. The meeting will follow the Choir Requiem Concert and the wine and cheese reception and will be held in the Church. 

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Wednesdays in Lent

Wednesdays in Lent

Join us for Wednesdays in Lent

  • 5:45pm, Dinner in the Parish Hall, hosted by various ministry groups

  • 6:30pm, Stations of the Cross in the Church

  • 7:05pm, Stay in the chuch for a short teaching by one of our clergy

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Wednesdays in Lent

Wednesdays in Lent

Join us for Wednesdays in Lent

  • 5:45pm, Dinner in the Parish Hall, hosted by various ministry groups

  • 6:30pm, Stations of the Cross in the Church

  • 7:05pm, Stay in the chuch for a short teaching by one of our clergy

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Men's Retreat
to Apr 6

Men's Retreat

 All men of the Parish are invited to enjoy a weekend retreat at Camp Crucis full of faith growing sessions, great food, campfires, fellowship and a service project. Led by Fr. Wilson this year, the theme is Evangelism. Whether you’re already comfortable sharing your faith or scared to death by the thought of it, Fr. Wilson will help you increase in confidence and ability to share the gospel message. The retreat starts at 6:00pm at Garcia’s restaurant in Granbury on Fri, April 4 and finishes before noon on Sunday, April 6. Cost is $150 (scholarships are available) and includes all food except dinner Friday night.

Register Here

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Wednesdays in Lent

Wednesdays in Lent

Join us for Wednesdays in Lent

  • 5:45pm, Dinner in the Parish Hall, hosted by various ministry groups

  • 6:30pm, Stations of the Cross in the Church

  • 7:05pm, Stay in the chuch for a short teaching by one of our clergy

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St. Laurence Women's Group

St. Laurence Women's Group

All women of the Parish are invited to the April meeting of the St. Laurence Women on Thurs, April 10 from 6:30-8:30pm in the Parish Hall. Through some fun engagement activities, the women will enjoy sharing impactful pieces of advice they’ve received from older loved ones, role models or the special people who God has put in their lives. Come for dinner and a fun evening. Please bring your beverage of choice and $10 for dinner. Childcare for kids 5 and under is available.

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Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday

On this day almost 2,000 years ago, our Lord entered the holy city of Jerusalem. It seemed to be His moment of triumph as the people welcomed Him in the way they welcomed their kings on great occasions, with shouts of praise and palm branches thrown in His path. But by the following Friday, the crowd’s “hosannas” had changed to “Crucify him!” and Jesus was being raised onto a cross. The Palm Sunday Mass highlights this shift from triumph to agony.

The Mass begins remembering Jesus’ “triumphant” entry into Jerusalem with the Liturgy of the Palms. This mini-liturgy will begin on our back lawn. There, the palms will be blessed and distributed to the congregation. We will then sing the traditional hymn, All Glory, Laud, and Honor and go all together in procession into the Church just as the people would have done that day in Jerusalem. 

Beginning with the readings from Holy Scripture, the mood of the Liturgy changes dramatically. The focus shifts from Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem to His passion on the cross. The reading of the Passion Gospel reminds us that we are all part of this great drama of redemption. The truth of this day is that, by our sins, we all are responsible for the passion and death of our Lord. The glory of this day is that we know the Resurrection is coming, bringing with it the promise of everlasting life. 

Truth and Glory - these are Palm Sunday’s gifts to the worshiper. Holy Week begins. 

Meet on the lawn in the back by the office. The service will start there and then the congregation will process into the Church. If walking is difficult for you, please go directly to the Church. There will be a separate palms service there and you will be joined by the congregation as they process in.  

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Family Night on Holy Wed

Family Night on Holy Wed

Bring the kids and join us for a fun evening on Holy Wednesday, April 16 outside on the lawn between the Church and Parish Hall. The little ones will dye Easter eggs with the help of the God Squad. We do ask that parents stay and help as well. Please bring 1 dozen hard boiled eggs per child. The Middle and High School Youth will assemble Blessing Bags which will be handed out to the homeless on the street outside Union Gospel Mission on Good Friday. We’ll start at 5:00pm with activities, we’ll serve pizza and then end with Stations of the Cross at 6:30pm. What a great night!

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Maundy Thursday Service

Maundy Thursday Service

This is the night Jesus gathered with His disciples in an upper room in Jerusalem for one last supper.

This is the night Jesus took a towel and washed His disciples’ feet, manifesting the life of service to which He calls His followers.

This is the night Jesus instituted the Eucharist. On this night Jesus intended for every generation of His followers, through this meal, to enter into the sacrifice He was about to make and be nourished by Him on our journey to heaven.

All these elements of the first Maundy Thursday are part of the liturgy of every Maundy Thursday. It is one of the most beautiful and deeply moving of the Church’s liturgies. During the service, our priests will wash the feet of those parishioners who wish to participate.  

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The Watch
to Apr 18

The Watch

At the end of the Maundy Thursday service, the blessed sacrament (Christ’s presence) is removed from the Church and brought to the Altar in the Chapel. The Chapel is decorated with many flowers to represent the Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus went after the Last Supper to pray. Jesus asked His disciples to watch with Him one hour. As Christians have for centuries, we say “Yes” to Christ and watch with Him in one-hour shifts throughout the night. Pray, read scripture or just sit in His holy presence. It is a beautiful experience that will enhance your Holy Week. Sign up for a time slot on one of the boards in the Church Narthex or just come at any time throughout the night.

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Good Friday at Union Gospel Mission

Good Friday at Union Gospel Mission

We are once again heading to UGM to provide a wonderful spaghetti lunch on April 18, Good Friday! There are lots of ways to serve. Food donations, meal prep and cooking, serving drinks and the meal, singing hymns, and helping the youth hand out blessing bags to our friends on the street just to name a few!  If you are interested in signing up to help or to donate a food item, please see Trudy Baade or Gail Lindley in the Parish Hall between the services on Sundays.

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Stations of the Cross

Stations of the Cross

Join us for Stations of the Cross on Good Friday at noon. Parishioners are invited to retrace the final journey of Jesus Christ to Calvary, moments lived in suffering for our sake. Walk the 14 stations or participate from the pews, it’s a truly personal and meaningful service.

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Good Friday Service

Good Friday Service

On this day, Jesus was murdered, for us and for our salvation. It is a day to think on Christ crucified, to confess our sins, and to remember God’s incredible love for each of us. Service begins at 7:00pm

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Easter Vigil

Easter Vigil

The Great Vigil of Easter on Saturday night is the most important of all Christian feasts and liturgies. It is the Church’s most ancient way of celebrating our Lord’s resurrection and is celebrated during the night which begins Easter Day.

On this most holy night our Lord Jesus Christ passed over from death to life. Thus the Church calls her children throughout the world to come together in vigil, prayer and celebration. Through the unique liturgy of this feast we celebrate not only Christ’s Victory but our share in it. 

The Vigil is comprised of four elements:

  • The Service of Light: The Vigil begins outside the Church with a fire being kindled and blessed. From this fire, a very large candle, the Paschal Candle, is lit. This great candle represents the risen Christ, triumphing over darkness and death; it will burn throughout the fifty days of the Easter Season. From the light of this candle, the congregation’s candles are lit, and then all go in procession following the Pascal Candle into the Church. The Church is dark, like a tomb. Except for the flickering of the candles, the Church remains dark until the Mass of the Resurrection. As the people enter, the darkness of the Church is pushed back, the power of Christ’s resurrection to overcome death is seen, and we understand the words of St. John, “And the light shined in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it!” (John 1:5 ) The Service of Light concludes with the chanting of the Exsultet (“Rejoice!”), an ancient hymn in praise of our Lord’s Passover victory.

  • The Vigil Readings: We hear the record of God’s saving deeds throughout history as we read several Old Testament Lessons.

  • The Baptismal Liturgy: Easter and Holy Baptism are intimately connected. In “going down into the water” we are joined to Jesus’ death and in coming up, we are joined to His resurrection. Thus the Vigil proceeds to Baptism and the renewal of Baptismal Vows by all the faithful. For many centuries, this was the only time in the entire year when Baptism was administered.

  • The Mass: The Vigil reaches its consummation in the glorious first Mass of the Resurrection. As the bells ring, the Celebrant says “Alleluia, Christ is Risen,” suddenly the darkness is dispelled as all the lights in the Church are lit. Then we hear the news of the Risen Christ.

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Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday

Join us for a glorious Easter morning as we celebrate the resurrection of our Savior. The Alleluias repeated again and again throughout the Masses of Resurrection Day signal the beginning of the Church’s fifty-day celebration of the Resurrection. 

At 9:50am between the morning services, we’ll have a spectacular Easter brunch complete with mimosas and an Easter Egg Hunt for the kids.

Service Schedule:

  • 8:30am

  • 10:45am

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Easter Brunch

Easter Brunch

Join us Easter Morning for an incredible Easter Brunch complete with bountiful food tables and mimosas! Both indoor and outdoor seating will be available. Come celebrate our Risen Lord with your St. Laurence family.

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Easter Egg Hunt

Easter Egg Hunt

 Our Easter Egg Hunt will be held in the grass lot to the north of the Parish Hall parking lot. Please bring 12-18 plastic eggs per child (filled with individually wrapped candy, stickers or trinkets). The hunt is for all kids 5th grade and under and will be divided by age. Kids should bring a basket for their eggs and parents should be ready for some incredible photo ops! A special food table for the kids and their parents will be available so they don’t miss out on anything.

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Men's Bingo at UGM

Men's Bingo at UGM

All men of the Parish are invited to Bingo Night at UGM  on Mon, April 21. Join us for a great night of fellowship with the men at Union Gospel Mission in Ft. Worth. Meet at Swift Lindley’s House at 6:00pm to car pool. Bingo starts at 7:00pm.

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Wednesdays in Lent

Wednesdays in Lent

Join us for Wednesdays in Lent

  • 5:45pm, Dinner in the Parish Hall, hosted by various ministry groups

  • 6:30pm, Stations of the Cross in the Church

  • 7:05pm, Stay in the chuch for a short teaching by one of our clergy

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Men's Bingo at UGM

Men's Bingo at UGM

All men of the Parish are invited to Bingo Night at UGM  on Mon, March 10. Join us for a great night of fellowship with the men at Union Gospel Mission in Ft. Worth. Meet at Swift Lindley’s House at 6:00pm to car pool. Bingo starts at 7:00pm.

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Gainesville State School Visit

Gainesville State School Visit

On Sun, March 16, the St. Laurence mission team will minister to the boys at the Gainesville State School. If you would like to come, please contact Carl Lapiska by Fri, March 7 so your name can be put on the list. Treats and letters for the boys are always appreciated but please contact Carl so he can advise what is needed.

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Wednesdays in Lent

Wednesdays in Lent

Join us for Wednesdays in Lent

  • 5:45pm, Dinner in the Parish Hall, hosted by various ministry groups

  • 6:30pm, Stations of the Cross in the Church

  • 7:05pm, Stay in the chuch for a short teaching by one of our clergy

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St. Laurence Women's Group

St. Laurence Women's Group

All women of the Parish are invited to a Spring Craft Night on Tues, March 11 from 6:30-8:30pm in the Parish Hall. Join us for dinner and then we’ll spend the evening making some beautiful Easter decorations. Please bring $15 for dinner and craft supplies. Childcare for kids 5 and under is available.

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Parent Meeting for First Holy Communion

Parent Meeting for First Holy Communion

There is a parent meeting on Sun, March 9 at 9:50am in the Children’s Chapel room (last classroom on right in Parish Hall) for all parents of kids who are ready to receive communion, usually age 5 and older. Then the classes for the kids will be March 23, 30 and April 6. First Holy Communion is on Easter Sunday, April 20.

Sign up here

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Ash Wednesday Services

Ash Wednesday Services

The season of Lent begins Wed, March 5 with Ash Wednesday. On this day, our foreheads are marked with ashes as a symbol of penitence and to help us develop a spirit of humility and sacrifice. Join us for any of our 3 Ash Wednesday services: 7:00am, Noon and 7:00pm, all in the Church. Childcare is available at the Noon and 7:00pm service. Confession times are also being offered at 11:00am and 6:00pm in the Chapel that day.

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St. Laurence Men's Group

St. Laurence Men's Group

All men of the Parish are invited to go Ax Throwing next Sun, March 2 from 3:30-5:00pm at Corky’s Gaming Bistro in Grapevine (3520 Grapevine Mills Blvd. N.). Come spend a great afternoon with the men of the Parish. Cost is $20/person. 

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God Squad

God Squad

The God Squad will continue developing their prayer lives by trying out some prayer-time tools and plans designed to help us focus on our relationships with Christ. With games, snacks and good times with Christian friends, this meeting's going to be a great one! Sun, Feb. 23 from 3:30-5:00pm in the Youth Room.

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Newcomer's Brunch

Newcomer's Brunch

All those new or somewhat new to St. Laurence are invited to a Newcomer’s Brunch on Sun, Feb. 23 at 12:15pm right after the late service. You’ll get to meet some of the vestry and staff and have a chance to learn a little bit more about the Church. It’s also a great chance for you to ask questions. We want you to feel welcome here and to know about ways you can plug in if you wish. Please join us!

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Mystery Dinner Theater Social

Mystery Dinner Theater Social

We’re offering a new Social Event this year in place of Mardi Gras - The Mystery Dinner Theater Social! Our Youth Groups will bring the mystery to life while everyone solves the mystery of the stolen St. Laurence Softball Team’s infamous team trophy. You’ll enjoy a great chicken dinner from Babe’s and have a fun time while the youth play colorful characters, share clues, and lead fun activities like trivia, a putt-putt hole-in-one challenge, and a "Who Said It?" game. The evening will also feature a silent auction with exciting items like Rangers baseball tickets, restaurant gift cards, and services provided by youth and parishioners. This is a family event so there will not be a pizza/movie room for kids. The nursery will be available for children 5 and under. Tickets are $25 for adults and $15 for youth and kids over 5. All proceeds support the youth group’s summer mission trips to New Orleans and Austin. Dress to impress and join us for this entertaining evening to support a great cause!

Register Here

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Full Choral Evensong

Full Choral Evensong

Everyone is invited to a very special Choral Evensong on Sun, Feb. 16 at 5:00pm. Our choir steps up to the challenge of some very complex and beautiful pieces to offer this extraordinary Evensong, similar to what you would find in the big Anglican Cathedrals in England. Join us afterwards for a wine and cheese reception in the Parish Hall. Childcare for kids age 5 and under is provided. 

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Gainesville State School Visit

Gainesville State School Visit

On Sun, Feb. 16, the St. Laurence mission team will minister to the boys at the Gainesville State School. If you would like to come, please contact Carl Lapiska by Fri, Feb. 7 so your name can be put on the list. Treats and letters for the boys are always appreciated but please contact Carl so he can advise what is needed.

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Expansion Update Meeting

Expansion Update Meeting

Everyone in the Parish is invited to an Expansion Update meeting on Sun, Feb. 16 between the services. Fr. Jordan, the Building Committee and Vestry will give you all the up-to-date details, especially about the construction schedule. The meeting will be filmed if you can’t make it. Sun, Feb. 16 at 9:50am in the Parish Hall. 

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Men's Bingo at UGM

Men's Bingo at UGM

All men of the Parish are invited to Bingo Night at UGM  on Mon, Feb. 10. Join us for a great night of fellowship with the men at Union Gospel Mission in Ft. Worth. Meet at Swift Lindley’s House at 6:00pm to car pool. Bingo starts at 7:00pm.

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Bishop's Ball

Bishop's Ball

 All Middle School and High School Youth are invited to the Diocesan Bishop’s Ball on Sat, Feb. 8. Meet in the Youth Room at 5:30pm and then car pool to St. Vincent’s in Bedford. Dinner will be served. Please pick up at 9:15 at St. Laurence. The theme is “Country Club” and the night will include dinner, dancing, games and compline. Cost is $10 in advance or $15 at the door.

Register here

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Annual Parish Meeting

Annual Parish Meeting

The Annual Parish Meeting is Sun, Feb. 2. This is a great chance to plug in to everything that is going on here and to vote for your new vestry members and convention delegates. We’ll take a look back at 2024, look forward to the exciting plans we have for 2025, and present the 2025 budget. Everyone in the Parish is invited. It’s a great way to see all the many facets at work in the ministry of St. Laurence Church. We start with Evensong at 5:00pm, a potluck dinner at 5:45pm and the business meeting at 6:30pm. Childcare is available for all ages: Nursery for children under 5 and a Kids Pizza/Movie Night in the music building for ages 5+.

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Scout Sunday

Scout Sunday

Scout Sunday is the day we honor all those boys, girls and adults involved in Scouting. Boys from our own Boy Scout Troop 168 will be our ushers and our Cub Scout Pack 168 will be here as well. We will have a special blessing for all those involved in any type of Scouting program - Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts, Brownies, Venture, etc. We encourage everyone involved in scouting to come in their uniform. 

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Family Mission Trip Information Meeting

Family Mission Trip Information Meeting

Our Family Mission Trip is headed to Austin during Spring Break to help our ministry partner, Community First Village. This year’s trip will be March 20-22 and is for single adults, couples and families with elementary age kids and older. Want to learn more about it? Please come to an information meeting on Sun, Feb. 2 at 4:30pm in the Music Building (right before the Annual Parish Meeting)

Interested in going? Let us know here.

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Bingo Night Fundraiser

Bingo Night Fundraiser

Everyone is invited to Bingo Night hosted by the Youth Groups, on Fri, Jan. 31 at 6:30pm in the Parish Hall. Please eat dinner before you come. Popcorn will be provided but feel free to bring your favorite candy or snack. Bingo cards will be sold for $5.00 each and all proceeds will go toward the Youth 2025 Summer Mission Trips. Mission Trips are consistently our kids favorite part of Youth Group. Let’s help them get there! 

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Christmas Eve Service

Christmas Eve Service

Be a Part of Our Christmas Celebration! Bring your family, friends and neighbors and join us at one of our Christmas Eve services.

  • Our 5:00pm Christmas Eve service is a perfect service for families with young children.

  • The 7:00pm Mass is a beautiful service for everyone, especially those not wanting to be out late.

  • Our Solemn Mass begins at 11:00pm with incredible music and candlelight, and is a glorious celebration of the birth of our Lord. Come early at 10:30pm to sing Christmas carols and enjoy festive music.

Nursery is available for the 5:00 and 7:00pm services.

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Children's Christmas Pageant

Children's Christmas Pageant

Children’s Christmas Pageant is Sun, Dec. 22 at 5:00pm in the Church. Get it on the Grandparent’s calendars now! The cuteness factor will be through the roof at this not-to-be-missed event. Join us for cookies and hot chocolate outside after the pageant.

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