“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace.”
1 Peter 4:10
Our Brothers & Sisters in the Diocese of Northern Malawi
We have partnered with the Anglican Diocese of Northern Malawi in many ways over the years and our relationship with them is a close one. Bishop Fanuel Magangani of Northern Malawi has visited us here and Fr. Scott Wilson led a team of St. Laurence parishioners twice to visit them there. We support them with love, prayer and yes, financial contributions.
Every Lent, we sponsor an Adopt-a-Student program where much needed tuition funds are raised so young people in Malawi can seek higher education. We have also led the effort to fund the stipends for all the priests in the Diocese of Northern Malawi, as these payments are often a challenge for the diocese to make. This ensures the clergy can continue to serve the people of their parishes on a full-time basis.
We have helped build a house for a parish priest near Mzuzu so that he can live nearer the people he serves instead of 80 miles away. We have also built St. Augustine’s Church in Mfula and put a roof on the Church in Kanjuchi, giving them places to worship God for years to come. These aren’t grand cathedrals but parish Churches where the roof doesn’t cave in when it rains and where it is safe for the Christians in the region to come together to praise God and grow in Christ.
In 2018, several of our parishioners led an effort to ship two large shipping containers filled with unused medical supplies to Malawi. The equipment and supplies the medical clinics received helped them provide a new level of care to the many people they treat.