Sermon - Feb. 16
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is the heart of the Christian gospel, Fr. Jordan tells us today. It is the truth on which everything else hangs. Christianity isn't a preference. Something happened: Jesus was dead and then He was alive.
Sermon - Feb. 9
In today's Gospel, Fr. John tells us, Jesus is asking Peter to trust him. He's inviting Peter to go deeper in faith. Peter becomes a model for all of us. He doesn't want to do what he's being asked to do, but he does it anyway. And he finds an incredible abundance, more than he could have ever imagined.
Sermon - Feb. 2
Bishop Ackerman visits today and preaches on the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple. Simeon has the deep privilege of being able to see the Messiah, to hold Him and to give Him a blessing. He is the blessing!
Sermon - Jan. 26
Today Fr. Rogers preaches on how to receive, respond and then rejoice in the Word of God. It starts with letting God speak. We then must listen with a purpose.
Sermon - Jan. 19
Today Fr. Jordan preaches about the Wedding at Cana. Changing the water into wine is Jesus' first sign, an opportunity for Him to reveal the glory of God. Jesus often describes heaven as a wedding reception. His miracle at Cana points us to the fact that heaven and earth are joined together.
Sermon - Jan. 12
"Faith is when you think you're alone and then you find out that you're not," quotes Fr. Jordan in his sermon about the Baptism of Christ. At Jesus' baptism, Jesus is reassuring us that we are never alone. At the baptism, our Lord wants to identify Himself publicly with all of us in all aspects of our life.
Sermon - Jan. 5
Today is the Feast of the Epiphany. Fr. Jordan tells us that the arrival of the Magi reminds us that Jesus has come for all people. The Magi are outsiders, gentiles. In Jesus, God has come to invite all people everywhere into a relationship with Him.
Sermon - Dec. 29
On this First Sunday of Christmas, Fr. Rogers tells us that in Jesus, God speaks to us. God engages in a 2 way relationship in which He expresses Himself completely in His eternal word - His son, His wisdom.
Christmas Sermon
Fr. Jordan preaches this Christmas Eve about joy, the gigantic secret of the Christian faith. Joy is what every single person longs for but seems to be out of reach for so many. The joy that we have from knowing Jesus Christ is one of the greatest gifts of the Christian faith and one of the great gifts that Christian people can give to a hurting world.
Sermon - Dec. 22
The Gospel reading for the 4th Sunday of Advent is the story of the visitation. It is the story of Mary and Elizabeth, two pregnant women on the margins of society but at the very center of God's plan of redemption.
Sermon - Dec. 15
On this 3rd Sunday of Advent, Fr. Rogers preaches on St. John the Baptist. John's call to repentance has a clear purpose: to provide an opening to the reign of God.
Sermon - Dec. 8
2nd Sunday of Advent. In today's Gospel, we meet the church's ultimate preparer, St. John the Baptist, says Fr. Jordan. "Prepare the way of the Lord," is the summary of John's ministry. He proclaimed repentance as a necessary condition for following Jesus closely.
Sermon - Nov. 29
This Sunday on the last day of the church year, we celebrate Christ the King, says Fr. Jordan. Everything we've done - our worship, teaching, our fasting, our feasting - all of it builds to today when we say Jesus Christ is the King of our life.
Sermon - Nov. 10
Fr. Rogers preaches today on the Gospel reading about the poor widow who gives her last 2 copper coins. She went to the temple to seek some sign of God's presence, where His mercy is found.