Music in the Anglican Choral Tradition
Music is a big part of our worship here and the St. Laurence Chorale graces us every Sunday (we do give them a break in the summertime!). Again and again throughout Holy Scripture, when God's people see God acting in their lives, they break into song. When we gather here at St. Laurence on Sundays, we do the same.
The English Choral tradition is rich and beautiful and the St. Laurence Chorale, Choral Scholars and Children’s Canterbury Choir celebrate and continue the tradition each Sunday.
St. Laurence Chorale
Our volunteer adult choir has a long tradition of singing beautiful choral music, adding greatly to the worship of our Lord. They primarily sing at the 10:45am Sunday service but occasionally at other services.
Choral Scholars
Our Choral Scholars are paid professionals and UNT music students who serve as section leaders, enhancing and supporting our volunteer choir. They sing separately as the Schola Cantorum as well as together with the St. Laurence Chorale.
Canterbury Children’s Choir
Canterbury Choir is our children's choir for kids in 2nd-8th grades. We us a curriculum called Voice for Life by the Royal School of Church Music. The kids learn basic music theory and knowledge of the Anglican music tradition. Joining organist John Heimel in teaching the kids is our bass Choral Scholar, Jack Fitzpatrick. He brings his vast vocal skills and knowledge, plus his experience as a Music Education teacher in the Denton ISD, to help the kids grow in their musical abilities and understanding. The Canterbury Children’s Choir sings once a month at each service and at occasional special services.
Winter & Spring 2025 St. Laurence Chorale Anthems
I Wonder as I Wander, Niles
Ye Princes that in Might Excel, Stephenson
Listen Sweet Dove, Ives
Tribus miraculis, Marenzio
Grieve Not the Holy Spirit of God, Noble
Nunc Dimittis in F, Ireland
Senex puerum portabat, Byrd
When to the Temple Mary Went, Eccard
Prevent Us, O Lord, Byrd
The Beatitudes, Malotte
Blessed are the Pure in Heart, Davies
Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in F, Coleridge-Taylor
My Eyes for Beauty Pine, Howells
Preces and Responses, Smith
O Thou Who at Thy Eucharist Did’st Pray, Wöldike
O nata lux, Lauridsen
In splendenti nube, Philips
Almighty and Everlasting God, Tomkins
Ave verum corpus, Mozart
Give Almes of Thy Goods, Tye
Richard de Castre’s Prayer to Jesus, Terry
Hide Not Thou Thy Face, Farrant
With Prayer and Supplication, Beach
Cast Me Not Away, Wesley
Requiem, Duruflé
O Taste and See, Vaughan Williams
Let My Prayer, Blow
Domine Deus salutis meae, Lasso
Holy Week, 2025, St. Laurence Chorale
Palm Sunday
Hosanna to the Son of David, Gesius
Greater Love Hath No Man, John Ireland
O Crux Ave, Dubra
Maundy Thursday
Ubi caritas, Duruflé
Verily, Verily I Say Unto You, Tallis
Ave verum, Liszt
Sive vigilem, Mundy
In Monte Oliveti, Lassus
Good Friday
Crucifixus, Lotti
Reproaches, Victoria
Civitas sancti tui, Byrd
“Hallelujah” from Mount of Olives, Beethoven
O Lord Arise, Weelkes
Fall 2024 Canterbury Children’s Choir Anthems
Love Divine All Loves Excelling, Traditional Hymn
Blessed are the Undefiled, Willan
Come Jesus Holy Child to Me, Willan
Snowy Flakes are Falling, Willan
Once in Royal David’s City, arr. Willcocks