We want you and your family to feel welcomed and loved
What to expect for Adults and Kids
Worship Style
Our Sunday Services are traditional in style, and include a procession, singing, Bible readings, prayers for ourselves and others, a sermon, and Communion.
Everything you need to know to fully participate in our services is provided in a detailed worship bulletin. If you are new to a tradition that uses formal prayers and liturgy, we encourage you to participate without any concern for doing things “the right way.”
All baptized Christians who repent of their sins and believe in Christ’s presence in the consecrated bread and wine are welcome to receive Holy Communion at St. Laurence. If you’re not yet baptized, we’d love to discuss baptism with you.
During your visit, please fill out a Visitor Card and hand it to a Greeter or drop it in the collection plate so that we can connect with you. Or Contact us anytime online here.
For Kids
Open on Sunday mornings from 8:15am-12:15pm and available for ages birth-5, the nursery is a nurturing and learning environment that includes play, singing, bible stories, and prayer.
Children’s Chapel
Offered during both our 8:30 and 10:45 services, the kids start in the “big church” with their families, and then leave in procession to a service just for them. The kids hear the Gospel story and a sermon in kid-friendly language and begin to understand the nuts and bolts of the Anglican tradition.
Sunday School
Sunday School is for everyone! Classes for adults and kids of all ages are sandwiched between our 8:30 and 10:45 services, beginning at 9:50am.