On the night Jesus was betrayed, he got up from the table, took off his outer robe, and washed His disciples' feet. By doing so, He gave us a model to follow.
Since that night, Christian people have made it their life's work and goal to serve all people, especially those who are in the greatest need. Through the centuries, the Church has supported orphanages, hospitals, schools, shelters, and countless other good works which bless many. At St. Laurence, we continue this tradition by visiting the sick, those in prison, caring for orphans, and working generally to make lives better in our community and beyond.

"For the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve."
Matthew 20:28
We believe that we are called to serve others and to reach out to those most in need, and we do that regularly through many community outreach ministries.
Our partnership with GRACE (Grapevine Relief and Community Exchange) has spanned many years and many programs. We were on the steering committee that founded GRACE in 1987 and we were one of the founding members of their transitional housing program. Our involvement and support for this incredible organization has continued ever since through Feed Our Kids, Holiday Food Drives, Clothing Drives and monthly Toilet Tissue collections.
Gainesville State School
Our monthly ministry at the Gainesville State School brings hope and the word of God to the boys imprisoned there. We bring them lunch, celebrate their birthdays, and connect personally with them, giving them adult interactions that are all too infrequent in their lives. These visits have played a big part in several of the boys giving their lives over to Christ and being baptized.
Union Gospel Mission
For over 10 years we have supported the Union Gospel Mission of Ft. Worth in their efforts to serve the homeless and provide them with a new beginning. Our many volunteers have put on monthly Men’s Bingo Nights and provided lunch on Good Friday for the residents as well as those on the street. Recently we expanded our efforts and now every month our youth feed lunch to the residents and homeless served by UGM.
Christmas Is For Children
The Parish looks forward every year to our participation in the Christmas Is For Children gift drive. Children are sponsored, gifts are purchased and Christ’s love is experienced by everyone involved.