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The Watch

  • St. Laurence Church 519 North Kimball Avenue Southlake, TX, 76092 United States (map)

At the end of the Maundy Thursday service, the blessed sacrament (Christ’s presence) is removed from the Church and brought to the Altar in the Chapel. The Chapel is decorated with many flowers to represent the Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus went after the Last Supper to pray. Jesus asked His disciples to watch with Him one hour. As Christians have for centuries, we say “Yes” to Christ and watch with Him in one-hour shifts throughout the night. Pray, read scripture or just sit in His holy presence. It is a beautiful experience that will enhance your Holy Week. Sign up for a time slot on one of the boards in the Church Narthex or just come at any time throughout the night.

April 17

Maundy Thursday Service

April 18

Good Friday at Union Gospel Mission