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Palm Sunday

  • St. Laurence Church 519 North Kimball Avenue Southlake, TX, 76092 United States (map)

On this day almost 2,000 years ago, our Lord entered the holy city of Jerusalem. It seemed to be His moment of triumph as the people welcomed Him in the way they welcomed their kings on great occasions, with shouts of praise and palm branches thrown in His path. But by the following Friday, the crowd’s “hosannas” had changed to “Crucify him!” and Jesus was being raised onto a cross. The Palm Sunday Mass highlights this shift from triumph to agony.

The Mass begins remembering Jesus’ “triumphant” entry into Jerusalem with the Liturgy of the Palms. This mini-liturgy will begin on our back lawn. There, the palms will be blessed and distributed to the congregation. We will then sing the traditional hymn, All Glory, Laud, and Honor and go all together in procession into the Church just as the people would have done that day in Jerusalem. 

Beginning with the readings from Holy Scripture, the mood of the Liturgy changes dramatically. The focus shifts from Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem to His passion on the cross. The reading of the Passion Gospel reminds us that we are all part of this great drama of redemption. The truth of this day is that, by our sins, we all are responsible for the passion and death of our Lord. The glory of this day is that we know the Resurrection is coming, bringing with it the promise of everlasting life. 

Truth and Glory - these are Palm Sunday’s gifts to the worshiper. Holy Week begins. 

Meet on the lawn in the back by the office. The service will start there and then the congregation will process into the Church. If walking is difficult for you, please go directly to the Church. There will be a separate palms service there and you will be joined by the congregation as they process in.  

April 10

St. Laurence Women's Group

April 13

Youth Group Bake Sale